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    Newsletter 03-13-25

    Thursday, March 13, 2025


    medium assorted peacock
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    Hey folks,
    things are pretty much back to normal this week since Brody and I both have seemed to gotten over the plague. In addition to some fantastic fish that have come in this week we have an announcement to make. We will be displaying the newest addition of the GloFish® line at Global at the end of this month. So if you're already planning on attending be sure to come by the Aquatics Lounge and check them out. I can guarantee you'll be as excited to see them as we are to display them. Plus be sure and check in with your rep as we ill be offering show discounts to anyone who attends. 

    Now onto the fish. I often times save the best for last but I'm too excited with our Colombia shipment this week so I'll start there. First and foremost are the XL Spotted Royal Plecos. We used to get them in fairly frequently but availability has been an issue but after being absent for over a year we finally got some in. Now these are EXTREMELY limited so if you want a shot at one get with your sales rep early. We are however working to get more so hopefully we can get enough to go around. In addition to the plecos we also got in more Mosaic Wood Cats. These are the most attractive species of the genus and always sellout in a hurry so don't sleep on these. We also got a restock on the Red Pikes which came in as absolute monsters. Look like underwater fire engines. And in  addition to the usual Colombian restocks i.e. Silver Hatchets, Gold Tetras, Farlowellas, Clown & Rubber Plecos, we got in some wild Oscars. Now while some of you may not find these as exciting as I do I am on record for saying prefer these way over the captive bred strains. While they may not have much in the way of color, as adults they're a more impressive fish with proper conformation and distinct patterns.

    Colombia wasn't the only exciting shipment we received this week. Lotta nice stuff coming in out of the far east. My favorite has to be the Bumble Bee Gobies. While they aren't exactly rare these have been in stock in quite some time. These are typically kept in brackish conditions I've seen them hold up well just in hard, high pH water. These make for an excellent nano fish as they typically stay around an inch. Speaking of small we got in what I would have to say are the nicest Emerald Dwarf Rasboras I have ever seen. These are a nano fish also staying around an inch at best and they usually come in so small you can't even tell what they are. However these are not only the biggest I've ever seen they have the nicest pattern I ahve ever seen on them. This is a must have for nano tank enthusiasts. Not quite as small but just as impressive are the ne Gardneri Killies. Agian, not exactly a rare fish but these came in at a great size and are truly showing off their impressive color and pattern. We also got a restock on Black Widow Frontosas. I was a little nervous bringing these in last time as they are pricier than a the standard Frontosa that's on the list but these flew out of here in a hurry so I'm sure this group will be the same. 

    And of course the weekly newsletter wouldn't be complete without mentioning Florida raised Cichlids. Once again we got in a ton of really nice stuff from our local vendors. Too much to list but i do have quite a few pics below. I've mentioned this before but I'll say it again if you're not sure what to go with or don't have a lot of tank space devoted to African Cichlids go with an assortment. Whether it be Mbuna, Haps or Peacocks the assortment s usually have a really nice mix and are typically the most affordable way to go. One word of advice would be to go with the medium or the large (if one's available) you'll get the most bang for the buck that way). We also got in some nice Central and Southies this week including one of my favorites, Trimacs. These don't typically play well with others but make for a great display piece as adults.

    Reach out to your rep if you have any questions.

    The Sales Team
    5D Tropical, Inc

    Ext 221 for Brody (
    Ext 295 for Dave (
    XL Spotted Royal Pleco. Hopefully they'll ship these with boots so they don't pop their bag. Make sure these have plenty of wood to chew on in your tanks!
    Another week, another Atabapo Red Pike. I'm not sure the picture is doing this one justice, but it might be the biggest one I've seen come through here. Easily over a foot.
    Wild Oscars! Only have a handful of these and considering they're pretty much the only oscar on the farm right now I expect them to go quick.
    Mosaic Wood Cats have exceptional patterning this week. 
    Size is OKAY on the new batch of gold/green corys (melanotaenia) but are displaying lovely gold fins.
    Ruby Tetras are back in stock after a brief Hiatus. These are one of the smaller species of Tetra and make a great addition to any nano display.
    Asia Imports
    New batch of Blue Tiger Parrots might be the smallest I've ever seen but that also might make the cutest I've ever seen. These guys sell well at any size.
    Got in Apistogramma Cacatuoides from Indo this week and appears to be a mix on both color and sex. Males and females in the mix and there looks to be mix in color and pattern type on the males. Either way these are still great looking fish. Look at how bright the fins are on this guy and he's still in his shipping bag.
    3" Clown Knives are back in stock and so far holding up great. When they're this small be sure to keep a cloud of feeder guppies on them so they don't skinny out on ya.
    Delhezi Bichirs are in from Indo this week. While they're not quite as flashy as the Ornates, they are one the best value Bichirs out there.
    Bumble Bee Gobies are back in stock for the first time in months. These are probably the most adorable of all the gobies. Just be sure to start them off on micro frozen foods such as Daphnia or baby Brine Shrimp as they typically won't take to dry foods right away.
    New batch of Gardneri Killies are some of the nicest I've ever seen come through here. Size and color are fantastic but they are mixed sex so there females in there as well.
    Orange Chromides are back after a brief hiatus. These are one of the more unusual Cichlids out there as they one of the Asiatic species to be commonly available. This is an aquarium strain whereas their natural occurring counter part can be rather drab. These guys just came in and will only get brighter with time especially if you offer them foods rich in beta carotene.
    This pic definitely doesn't do these justice. They tend to flush their color the second they come out of the water. But like I mentioned in the opening these are some of the nicest I have ever seen.
    Black Endler's
    Green Cobra Guppy
    Tricolor Dumbo Guppy
    XL Platy
    Candy Cane MM Platy
    Neon Sword
    Assorted Sailfin Molly
    New batch of Honey Gouramis came in fantastic. There are a couple of different strains on this species and this is definitely the nicest one showing of a lot of red in addition to the gold.
    Pearl Gouramis are about as small as I've ever seen them but they are showing a decent amount of pattern.
    Gold Gouramis are back after being gone for what felt like an eternity. Both size and color are excellent on these.
    Said this many times before and at the risk of sounding like a broken record Parkinsoni Rainbows are one of the most overlooked members of the family. Pic pretty much says it all.
    Red Paradise 
    Black Neon Tetras continue to be available but not sure how long that will last so stock up while you can.
    Black Phantom Tetras keep getting bigger each and every week. Doesn't get much nicer than this.
    Hifin Black Tetras are also running big this week. Great size on a must have staple.
    Lemon Tetras are back for the first time in months and they're fantastic. Some of the nicest to come through here.
    Red Phantoms are running bigger than usual and color is really bright. Pic doesn't do them justice.
    4" Salvini got a restock this week and color is outstanding.
    5" Salvini are also available this week. These are about as big as they get.
    Medium EB Acaras are once again running oversize and are the better value over the regulars.
    Have Red Devils available in 3", 4", and 5" sizes. 3" are featured above. They only get nicer with age.
    Trimacs are in for the first time in ages. As I mentioned earlier they may not be the friendliest fish on the planet but they grow up to be great display specimens.
    You can already see a bit of the color and pattern coming in on the 4" Trimacs. At this size you'll want to keep them separated so the don't chew each other up.
    Old World Cichlids
    The great thing about the large assorted Haps is you never know what you might get such as this Albino Compressiceps. There's great pieces in there every single week.
    They're back. After being unavailable for a couple weeks there the medium Red Nyererei are back in again and back to looking absolutely amazing. I don't know if you can find a better looking fish for the money. 
    Regular Redfin Borleyi are big enough for the males to start showing color. This is a fantastic value and everyone should be stocking these.
    Another great value fish are the regular sized OB Borleyi. This is a good one to get while they're small since they color up young and sell for more when they're showing adult coloration.
    Just like the large assorted Haps you'll find some awesome gems in the medium assorted male Peacock mix like this EB Peahap. Most of these are hybrids but most people buying these don't care and are just looking for good color at a great price.
    This too was found in the medium assorted male peacocks. Tons of variety in there including both pure strains as well as hybrids like this guy.
    Speaking of pure strains, foun this guy in the same mix as above. Going
    Albino Red Peacocks finally seem to be available in decent numbers. Pic really doesn't do this one justice as they seem to absolutely glow in the tank. Put these over some dark gravel and they'll pop from across the room.
    Got another restock on Premium OB Peacocks and these are even nicer than the last batch. As with most OB types there's a lot of variation in there. Some with a ton of pattern. Some with very little pattern. But any way you slice it these guys are absolute show stoppers.
    Another example of the above mentioned. You can see how greatly these guys can vary from one individual to the next.
    2.5" Assorted
    2.5"-3" Blue Diamond
    Pigeon Blood
    2.5"-3" Marlboro Red
    Bottom Dwellers
    After being on hold for the past couple of weeks the Panda Loaches are finally ready to go out.
    Tiger Botias make for great scavengers and nuisance  snail controllers in tanks with more aggressive species. Do well with African and Central American Cichlids.
    Clown Loaches got a restock this week and are very solid looking so far.
    5" Albino Rainbow Sharks are looking sharp. Plus they're the only non GloFish® shark available at the moment.
    Marble Hoplo Cats have had a chance to settle in and are now really showing off their pattern.
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