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    Newsletter 01-16-25

    Monday, January 20, 2025


    Blue Diamonds (4256) are just one of several varieties of Discus available this week.
    "Pigeon Blood" (4262). Most of them have the classic pattern.
    Hey folks,
    hope everyone is staying warm with yet another cold front moving though the country this upcoming week. That not withstanding had another good week of incoming as well as we still have quite a bit of inventory from last week's Indo and Peru shipments. Also have an African Cichlid shipment coming in later today so get with your rep to see what's new if you're interested. 

    Peru had just come in when we had put the email together so most of the pics were stock photos so we were able to include examples of the actual fish we have on hand. Two of the highlights for me were the Splash Tetras and the wild Sunset Apistos. Both are some of the nicest I have ever seen in person. The Splash Tetras are absolutely outstanding. This is a species that used you absolutely frustrate me as a retailer because customers would bring in pics from the internet and then would be seriously be disappointed that the fish they ordered came in silver and looked nothing like what the saw online. That is not the case here. There is a pic below that shows just how vibrant this group actually is. Same goes for the Apistos however they are very mixy when it comes to size and gender. Pic below illustrates that.

    Still have some great items from Indo including tank raised Barbatus Cories. Once fairly common these are no longer seen in the hobby as wild imports. While they are definitely more expensive than the more readily available species these are definitely worth the extra money. Highly sought after by collectors and very impressive as adults. Also in from Indo are some fantastic looking 12"+ Fire Eels. Haven't gotten any this big in a long while. In addition to that we got restocked on Figure Eight Puffers. And while they're not exactly rare or exotic they are always in high demand and sell out very quickly. We also still have some Delhezi Bichirs from last week but unfortunately we sold out of the Ornates. We're hoping to get more of those soon. But we did get restocked with Yellow Vampire crabs for the first time in ages. They came in great and are holding up really well so far.

    Speaking of far east imports we got in a ton of Discus from Singapore this week and should have enough to go around for a change. A lot of nice varieties including Pigeon Blood, Snakeskin, Blue Diamonds and Cobalts. And when in doubt go with the assorted. Usually a pretty good mix of different strains in there.

    Stay warm and reach out to your rep if you have any questions.

    The Sales Team
    5D Tropical, Inc

    Ext 221 for Brody (
    Ext 295 for Dave (
    Better pic of the Bleeding Heart Tetras (3313) that came in from Peru. These usually tend to run larger with more intense body color than the one's from other locales. Settled in and holding up really well.
    Longfin Serpaes (34043) are running a bit smaller this week but the fins are highly exaggerated. Color is a nice deep red on these.
    Blue Tetras (34138) are back in from Indo. Running a bit small but color is good and always sell well as they're not as common as some other species of tetra nor are they found in box stores.
    Green Fire Tetras (31038) came back in this week and look fantastic. Nice green sheen with bright red undersides. Good alternative to Bloodfins which are currently out of stock.
    New von Rio Tetras (1204) are nice and bright this week. Intensity always varies from one group to another but thos week's batch is looking particularly nice.
    Splash Tetras (29304) were featured last week but we didn't have an updated pic yet. As you can see what actually came in are far nicer than the stock photo we had. These are by far the nicest I've ever seen in person.
    Red Hook silver $ (2939)
    New from Peru
    Wild Sunset Apistogramma (3784) are back!  This is the best looking wild apisto we usually get, and this batch is no exception.  The males are fully colored and good size.  Females aren't brown either, they have nice yellow coloration just no red.  
    Peruvian Altum Angels (2984) are back, a staple of Peru orders for us that we get every time.  Really great fins on these and make a great display fish.  Wild angels act completely different from tank raised angels. 
    Wild Geophagus Jurupari (3217) are finally back in stock! We've been getting a ton of requests for these so they are sure to go quick.
    Oil Cats (29144) are in!  Super neat little dwarf wood catfish.  Do great in a small colony together, and they like high flow and oxygen content.  
    Wild true freshwater flounders (29045) from Peru are incredible! This is the first time they've come in at a reasonable size like this. 
    Zebra Otos (29247) are back in stock for the first time in ages. Great looking version of the super popular algae eater these guys always fly out of here super quick.
    Large Adonis Plecos (3771) came in at a fantastic size. Big and impressive yet still small enough to be showing their white spots (they turn jet black as adults). Fins are little banged up but their lyretails are intact whish is the showiest part about them.
    Got a better pic of the wild Festivum that came in from Peru last week. Now that they've had a chance to settle in they're really starting to show they're color and pattern. These usually turn out to be nicer looking than a lot of the captive strains that have lost their intensity after years of breeding without refreshing the bloodlines.
    Medium Black Angels (2069) continue to run big and are probably the best value angel available right now. Super dark color.
    Medium Rainbow cichlids (2118)continue to be available at the moment. This is a kind of an "old school" fish but I'm sure everyone out there has clientele that will appreciate these little beauties.
    Chili Oscars (34137) are back in from Indo. Mention these every time we get them in because they are by far the most impressive of all the captive strains of oscar.
    Medium Balzani (2164) are coming in with really nice coloration and are just a hair away from being big enough to start showing their humps.
    Flowerhorns (60193) are back in from the far east. Hate to say it but these are almost always nicer than the Florida raised varieties. Usually better color with much more impressive "horns" as adults.
    New Blood Parrots (4144) are nearly twice the size as the last batch. We order the same size every time yet they vary greatly from week to week. Color is really good too so now is the time to stock up.
    Still getting in regular Redfin Borleyi (3652). These are one of the easiest Haps to sell as juveniles since they're showing really nice color in the fins and both the males and females are attractive as adults.
    Medium Fancy assorted Mbuna (6064) continue to be one of the best value African Cichlids that come in. Always plenty of nice variety in the mix.
    Plecos & Pals
    Medium Lemon Blue Eye Bushynose (21241) are available again. This is in my opinion the nicest strain of Bushynose Pleco. They range from lemon yellow (as the name suggests) to tangerine in color with bright blue eyes. Truly striking especially as adults. Can see them from half way across the room.
    "Small" Royal Plecos (3233) are waaayyy oversized. Take advantage of this and mark them up and sell them as mediums. 
    1.5" Bushynose (1421) are almost up to size for once. Like most Bushynose varieties these are in high demand therefore tend to come in really small. These are definitely acceptable for the price point.
    Royal Farlowella (2929)
    Butterfly/Atabapo Pleco (3762)
    New batch of Clown Loaches (3011) came in a bit smaller but with really nice color and fat bellies. An absolute staple everyone should be carrying.
    Although they're a bit more aggressive their Clown cousins, Zebra loaches (3014) make for great scavengers with other aggressive species such as Central/South American & African Cichlids. They're tolerant of most water conditions and don't seem to have a pH preference.
    Redtail cats (3717) are small, but should be big enough to eat live ghost shrimp as well as pretty much any other chunks of meat that fall to the bottom of their tank at night.  Keep them well fed, they get skinny quick at this size, but they'll be 6 inches long in a month if you feed them correctly.  
    Oddballs & Friends
    Regular Black Ghost Knives (3251) are back in stock and are very clean looking. Always a crowd pleaser.
    3" Clown Knives came in right on point for size. These always do best if you keep a school of feeder guppies on them so they stay nice and full.
    Got two sixes of Zig Zag Eels (30250) in stock at the moment. These are the 3"-4". Both are a little mixy in size but are all showing great contrasting patterns.
    Fire Eel 12-14 (31051). Only a handful available, they are fat.
    While not quite as impressive as the Ornates, Delhezi Bichirs (31147) are a nice affordable alternative that always sell really well.
    Figure Eight Puffers (3069) are back in stock after being on hiatus for the last few weeks. Nice bright green color with fat little bellies. Feed them plenty of meaty foods such as shrimp and beefheart to keep them that way.
    Hujeta Rocket Gar (3624) got a lot smaller this week but that does make them any less desirable. They're also less likely to try feeding on each other at this size so long as you keep them well fed with live feeders such as guppies.
    Yellow Vampire Crabs are back in stock for the first time in months! Keep these more like a Dart Frog than an aquatic crustacean.
     ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏ ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏ ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏ ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏ ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏ ͏  ͏  ͏  ͏


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