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    Newsletter 03-20-25

    Thursday, March 20, 2025


    OB Red Empress
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    Hey folks,
    just a reminder, Global Pet Expo is next week and for those of you that are attending be sure to swing by the Aquatics lounge and check out our displays. We're bringing a ton of great fish to show including locally raised as well as imports. But of course the most exciting item will be the latest addition to the GloFish® line which will have on display for all to see. So be sure to stop by and say hello.

    Once again lots of great incoming and in preparation for the show next week I managed to over buy on a few things that I won't have room to bring so some that will be available for sale. Most notable are the Show Peacocks/Haps. Brought in a bunch of these to display but  already ran out of room we'll be offering these awesome specimens for purchase. Have a handful of pics down below to give an example of what I'm talking about. Some really great stuff in there. Also have few other hold backs like Florida Flag Fish that I set aside but don't have room for so those will also be available.

    Got in a new Colombia shipment last night. Decent amount of restocks on a number of staples but availability has been a bit limited as of late. Medium Arowanas are back in and looking really solid. These are a much better buy than the smalls that come in with their yolk sacs still attached. These tend to hold up very well. Wild Oscars also came in on this shipment and due to the lack of availability on far east raised ones grab these while you can. They're the only budget friendly Oscar option at the moment. Also got in quite a few Colombian Snowball and Zebra Plecos. The Zebras are considerably bigger than the last couple of batches. Four line Pim cats also came in really nice.

    For far east fish we got in a couple unexpected bags of Burmese Tire Track Eels. Two sizes on these and both look great. Also got in one of the nicest batches of Green Scats I've seen in a long time. Been here a few days now and color is looking great. These tend to look a little dusky when they're stressed but as you'll see from the pic below these guys look settled in already. Also got in fresh batches of Import Peacocks including both regular and OBs. Both are bright and looking super nice. And last but not least it looks like we've got pretty good numbers on Glass cats that are looking very sturdy so far.  

    Reach out to your rep if you have any questions.

    The Sales Team
    5D Tropical, Inc

    Ext 221 for Brody (
    Ext 295 for Dave (
    Arowana Med. Put these on special this week, they're under the medium number, but I changed the description to Md/Sm. This is the sized fish you'll be getting.
    Red Hook Lg. These usually come in with beat up fins, but settling in nicely with bright red fins.
    Wild Oscars came in tiny this week, but have unique patterning at this size. I expect them to go quickly.
    Spotted Raphael
    Striped Raphael
    Colombian Snowball Pleco
    Four Line Pim on special this week as well.
    Brown Ghost Knife
    Asia Imports
    Balloon Penguins were on hold for a bit but are all good and ready to go. Out of all the balloon type Tetras these are one of the neatest looking when they're fully grown.
    Still have quite a few Samurai Gouramis left. These have now been here long enough where they are completely adapted to our super hard water making them practically indestructible at this point.
    Green Scats came in looking great this week. Perfect size as they adapt quickly as opposed to full grown adults. But these are a brackish species so definitely throw some salt on them.
    New batch are holding up really well so far. This is one that so long as they settle in fine they basically sell themselves.
    Got in an unexpected batch of Burmese Tire Track Eels earlier this week. And I must say it's a very confusing name as this variant/subspecies only has spots, not tire-like markings whatsoever so I'm renaming it Burmese Leopard Eel. Just kidding as they will be on the list as tire track but mine is a more accurate description of these. 
    Yo Yo Loaches came in a bit bigger than usual as these are already starting to show their signature pattern. this will make easier to explain why they're named that.
    3" Import Peacocks came in bright as ever. These are good option for wanting a splash of color as long as they know it's temporary till the males regain the color as adults.
    Still have a handful of the 2" Red Pearl Flowerhorns and they've been here long enough that some of them are already starting to show the beginnings of a hump.
    Red Rose Guppy
    Pigeonblood Guppy
    Rainbow Platy
    Bumble Bee Platy
    Red MM Platy
    Pineapple Sword
    Pineapple Wag Sword
    Gold Dust Lyretail Molly
    New batch of Gold White Clouds are running about as big as I've seen them come through here. Color is excellent as well with bright red in the fins.
    Rasbora Hets are running big as well thus week . Purple center really stands out on these.
    Longfin Rosy Barbs are back in the males are bright as can be. Group is a little female heavy but both have great fin extensions.
    Large Tiger Bars are absolute monsters this week. They're also the only standard Tiger Barb available at the moment. 
    Current batch of Peacock Gudgeons are running well over size. Can really see their color standout.
    Blue Kerri Tetras continue to come in looking terrific. This is one you won't see in big box stores and should definitely be stocking when they're available.
    New Silver Hatchets came in this and are good sized and holding up really well so far.
    After a few weeks of running a bit on the small side this week's Penguin Tetras are back to being over size.
    Gold Tetras are back and looking metallic as ever. These make for a great display in a planted aquarium over dark gravel.
    Just a handful of Emperor Tetras left and they're looking great. Not sure when we're getting more of these in so might be the last chance to grab some for a while.
    3" Cuban Cichlids are available in fairly limited numbers this week. Mention these every time we get them but that's due to the fact that they're not as common as a lot of other Central/Southies but they also happen to be one of my personal favorites. If you're not familiar with them Google a pic of an adult. They're stunning. 
    Medium Green Terrors are back in stock and will probably be sold out before I'm even done writing this so order early if you want some.
    Got in some medium Florida raised Jewel Cichlids. And while these are technically a west African species most people treat them like a Central/Southie as they prefer similar conditions and display similar aggressive behavior.
    Got a restock on Red Spot Turquoise Severums this week . For those of you attending Global next week we'll have a young adult of these same bloodlines on display. Come check it out you you can see how amazing these look once they've matured.
    Regular Firemouths are running about the same size as usual but the color is particularly nice this week.
    Got in some more Red Warrior Flowerhorns last night. This is a Florida raised strain but unlike most domestic Flowerhorns these actually develop a hump.
    This is one of the Red Warrior Flowerhorns after it has matured. We do NOT have ones this big. This is just to show what the fish in the previous slide looks like as an adult.
    Old World Cichlids
    Got in a new hybrid variant from one of local vendors who specializes in OB morphs. He's calling this one a Hi-Yellow OB Peacock. As with most OB hybrid types you can't pin down the exact species mix. But the end result is an absolute stunner. 
    We received this male Show Peacock along with about thirty others from the same vendor as above and they are all very different from each other but at the same time all amazing in their own way. Quite a bit of OBs in there which is to be expected but there are some solid colored varieties as well. I'm calling this one a Frosted Strawberry Peacock. And yes, I just made that up lol.
    Still have a handful of the Albino Red Peacocks and their still great looking. That's the nice thing about Florida Raised Peacocks is that unlike juiced imports they don't lose their color over time. THey just keep getting better with age.
    Think I'm just gonna make this a regular thing where I feature one or two specimens that came in from the large assorted Hap mix. There's always some absolute gems in there like this Hap Moorii aka Blue Dolphin.
    Got in a batch of medium assorted Haps and just like the large you can come acroos some great finds like this Livingstoni. Once super common they don't pop up quite as often as they used to. You see their cousin Hap Venustus far more readily available. Both are equally as nice but if I had to choose between them this is the one I would go with.
    Got in another batch of Fancy Mix Mbuna. Ton of variety in there including this little guy who appears to have some Peacock mixed into the bloodline.
    Tropheus Duboisi are one of the most common Tanganyikan Cichlids out there. As juveniles they're rather striking with a black background covered in bright white spots. However they don't retain these markings through adulthood. They make quite a drastic change as you'll see below.
    This is a young adult male Tropheus Duboisi. Even though they lose the spotting from their juvenile phase they still grow up to be a remarkable looking species.
    2.5" Assorted
    2.5" Assorted
    Leopard Discus (found a few of these in the assorted mix)
    2.5" Pigeon Blood
    Plecos & Pals
    Medium Royal Plecos have been here a couple weeks now and that's just long enough for their fins to clean up and their pattern really starting to show it's high contrast. You can see those coppery red eyes from across the room.
    Newest batch of Colombia Zebra Plecos have a great high yellow contrast to them . Very striking size is pretty good too.
    Have a couple different sizes of Green Phantom Plecos at the moment and they all look Fantastic. As they settle you you get to see how much subtle variation there is with this species as some can be anywhere from a dark jade green to bright yellow like this guy.
    2" Bushynose are back in stock and a a MUCH better value the the 1"-1.25". This definitely the one to go with if you're looking for a budget ranged Pleco.
    New Batch of Redtail Cats are fat and looking super healthy. Just be sure to tell your customers how big they get as these will out grow most home aquariums. Not bad for large indoor ponds though.
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    Plant City, FL 33565-4839

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