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    Newsletter 10-17-24

    Thursday, October 17, 2024


    Archers have been here a couple wekks and look great.
    GloFish® Starfire Red Â® Angelfish large
    Hey folks,

    Hope everyone made it through the storm ok. We had quite a bit of flooding and sustained some pretty heavy damage here at the farm but we've been back up and running since Monday.  Damage not withstanding the fish made it through relatively unscathed. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for some of our neighboring farms. That being said there will be some items we will be running short on in the following weeks. Most Florida raised angels will probably be very limited for a bit. We are looking to other sources to offset this. A number of other items including certain barbs and livebearers may also be affected in the short term but again we will try to source these from other vendors.

    We still have plenty of nice fish here on the farm and we will resume bringing in imports starting Sunday. The only major area we are low on this week is wild Colombia. We weren't able to bring that in this week so we are out of some common stock items such as otocinclus, clown plecos, royal plecos etc. But we should be restocked on all of those next week. One thing we should be set on are most of the GloFish®. Pristellas are still hit or miss but everything else should be fine including the angels.

    Because we are still playing catch up from being out of the office all of last week highlights will be a little brief but I did manage to go around and get some pics of some of the nicest stuff on the farm and like I said there's still plenty to choose from. I did leave in some content from the last email since we only had it for a couple of ship days before we had to shut down so if you don't read the email every week then most of that will be new to you. Also be sure to check our specials this week. Some really great stuff on there including some the Brazil plecos. These are a great value and would definitely recommend picking them up at these prices. Good margins to be made there. Let us know if you have any questions.

    The Sales Team
    5D Tropical, Inc

    Ext 221 for Brody (
    Ext 295 for Dave (
    Ext 299 for Destiny (
    Silver Tip Tetras are great size and color. Males are an orangish bronze while the females are a bright gold. These really are one of the most underrated tetras out there.
    Bloodfin Tetras might wind up being in short supply for a while unless we can get some far east imports. But I doubt those will be as big with as nice of color as these so stock up while you can.
    Far east Penguin tetras continue to come in nice and big. As winter approaches that will change so this is another one I would make sure to add to your order.
    Lemon Tetras are running a little small but they're starting to color up. They'll do that even more so once they're put into tanks with substrate and a background. Eyes are super bright red already.
    Both the longfin and regular Black Skirt Tetras continue to run huge. It's nice to see new and rare species come through here but seeing some exceptional examples of common items is just as exciting.
    Mixed Sex Congo Tetras have some nice big males with really nice color. Already getting the extension on the tail as well.
    Serpae Tetras running big again with nice bright color. 
    Malawi Madness
    Dragon Blood Peacocks been here for a few weeks now and they're actually getting brighter. This is an aquarium strain that is very popular with cichlid enthusiasts and a must have for any cichlid section in your store.
    These are without a doubt some of the nicest Sunshine Peacocks out there.
    Similar to the more readily available Redfin Borleyi, Copadichromis Quadrimaculatus are far less common and arguably more attractive
    I will probably send out another pic of these guys next week since they just got in and their color is a little muted but the Protomelas Stevensi Tangerine Tiger are absolute stunners once they settle in
    Regal Peacocks might just be the best looking fish on the entire farm. Definitely the bluest. These would make a fantastic addition to any display.
    One of the many exciting new cichlids to come in this week are the Buccochromis Nototeania. Very uncommon and you definitely won't see these in box stores. Males grow up to have an almost teal coloration across the body with reddish orange scalloping on the scales
    Red Exasperatus is a color mutation of a classic species. These grow up to be absolute stunners with bright tangerine coloration. Great addition to any mbuna selection that you won't see in box stores.
    Albeit super common, the regular Auratus are running oversize and males are already showing adult coloration. This is a very nice strain whereas the males can often look muddy but these are very bight and clean looking.
    Found a few Rustys like this guy in the large assorted mbuna tanks. Once again nice mix in there and all are running huge. Great value.
    Super Central and Southies
    Some of you are probably sick of seeing Red Spot Gold Severums by now and probably think I have some weird obsession with them but I can assure you the only thing I'm obsessed with is making sales and these guys sell. Again these are Florida raised so no hormones here. These are all natural and will just keep getting brighter.
    Dovii aka Wolf Cichlids might be one of the most impractical species for the average home aquarium since they get huge and don't play well with others. However they are one of the most impressive looking cichlids as adults and are always sought after by cichlid enthusiasts.
    Convicts are one of the most commonly found cichlids in the hobby. They breed faster than guppies. So much so that I know people that breed them as feeders because of their high production rate and extreme hardiness. But even though they're a dime a dozen they always sell very well.
    For some reason the medium Carpintis keep getting overlooked. I think it's because we have them in a bottom tank and people forget we still have them in stock and forget to mention them. These come from a local vendor and come from an excellent strain. They're starting to show their true color and will be outstanding in a very short time.
    Only have a handful of these but large Green Terrors came in fantastic. Always in demand and the bigger sized ones always fly out of here.
    3" Red Devils are back in stock and most are showing really nice color already. Not the friendliest fish on the planet as the name would suggest but remains very popular.
    Pic definitely doesn't do these guys justice as the drop their color the second you get them out of the water. But the regular size Salvini are super bright with great color and one of the best values here.
    Green Scats have been here for a couple weeks now and are holding up great. Definitely recommend keeping some salt on them so they look their best.
    X-Ray Tetras are a color mutation of the Pristella Tetra. Really neat morph with a purple hue and a red tail. Definitely one the more overlooked tetras.
    Mango Plecos have been here long enough to really settle in and start showing their color. These have super bright fins and always draw the attention of collectors. Grab them now while they're on special.

    Blue Eye Redfin Pleco might be a bit of a stretch on the name but as you can see now that they're starting to settle down their subtle beauty it really starting to come through
    Just like most of the other Brazil Plecos we got in a few weeks ago now that they've gotten to settle in the Leopard Cactus are starting to show some of what is going to be really great color.
    I know we show cased Brazil a few times now but all the plecos are really starting to show off and the Goldy is no exception. These are highly sought after and if it were January these would be long gone.
    Siamese Bumble Bee Cats are a really attractive and relatively uncommon scavenger. What's really nice about them is that they actually move about the tank as opposed to curling up and hiding in the corner like so many other species of catfish.
    3" Albino Rainbow Sharks are running way oversize. This is one of the smaller ones. Some of the best bang for your buck.
    Odds n' Ends
    I'm guessing the only reason the L-177 Irriri Plecos are still is is due to the name. Queen Nugget was a name they used to get traded as and it better suits them as far as marketability goes. These are actually a little nicer than the L-18 Gold Nugget which sold out immediately based greatly on the name.
    Balloon Kissing Gouramis are one of the freakiest looking balloon types out there. Since their tails are transparent in the water they just look like floating heads. Perfect for a Halloween themed display tank.
    Still have a handful of very nice Albino Pacu. Probably the worst aquarium fish out there but work well for indoor ponds. Just be sure to let your customers know how big these get.
    Medium Deep Water Creek Rainbows are another great value fish here. Showing almost as much color as the large so worth every penny. But try selling them as Flametail Rainbows. Their real name is terrible.
    Bosemani Rainbows are still coming in as imports but still have great color. If you're only going to stock a handful of Rainbows this is definitely one you should have.
    Like all parrots the blue tigers are obnoxious and stupid looking. But also like all parrots they sell really really well so don't pass them up just cuz you don't like them. You like money don't you? LOL
    Platinum Parrot. Same as above only white:) 
    After my rant on parrot cichlids I wanted to end things on a high note. The Electric Blue Rams are some of the nicest I've seen come though here. Size is great and the color is fantastic. An absolute must have.

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