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    Newsletter 3-6-25

    Thursday, March 6, 2025


    OB Red Empress
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    Hey folks,
    this week's update is going to be a little brief in content as both Brody and I were both sick at the beginning of the week and have been playing catch up ever since. Good news is we did get come pretty terrific stuff in and have quite a few pics to go along with them. Just not a lot of time for verbiage. We got all the usual restocks on Colombia this week so if you got scratched on anything last week hopefully you'll get filled this week. I left all the pics from last week's Colombia shipment in so you can see a representation of what came back in.

    Far East wasn't shy on restocks as well as a couple of long awaited items such as Purple Het Rasboras. These always sell very well despite their diminutive size. Speaking small but beautiful we got in more Scarlet Badis from not one but two different suppliers this week. That being said we shouldn't have any trouble filling these this week. Also got reloaded on Glass Cats which I'm told are holding are really well which isn't always the case with the. Got in more of the standard Flowerhorns as well as more of the 2.5" Red Pearls. Now while I'm not convinced that these are all true since I have found a few Thai Silks in the mix, they're a terrific value as they just slightly more than the regular Flowerhorns. And last but definitely not least we got in another great shipment of Discus this week. You'll see from the pics below there isn't a bad choice no matter what variety you go with.

    Once again we got in plenty of great Florida raised fish but this week is a little different. As Global quickly approaches we're already stocking up for our display and with that in mind I've included some teaser pics below of some of the fish we'll be showing off. This is also to show case the fact that we have access to these beauties most of the year. So let your rep know if you're interested in obtaining some of these stunning show pieces.

    Reach out to your rep if you have any questions.

    The Sales Team
    5D Tropical, Inc

    Ext 221 for Brody (
    Ext 295 for Dave (
    While they don't play well with others Exodons make for a great species only display. We're actually taking our own advice and will have a tank of these at Global at the end of the month.
    Asia Imports
    Asian Gar are back in stock for the first time in ages. Since they've been gone for so long they are sure to sell out in a hurry. At this size be sure to keep a school of feeder guppies on them so they can fatten up and stay healthy.
    As i mentioned above we should have plenty of Scarlet Badis to go around. These are without a doubt one of the most popular nano fish.
    More Ornate Bichirs came in from Indo this week. Pic isn't great but the fish are. Although never the cheapest of the Bichirs they are the most popular and you should definitely be stocking these.
    New Rhino Gobies are holding up well and scootin all over the place. 
    Got in more Albino Hoplo Cats this week. If you've never tried these I highly recommend them. Unlike a lot of other albino species these guys have great contrast with their prominent black spotting. Not to mention they're great community fispite their larger adult size.
    These are going to Global as apart of my tribute to balloons display. I can already hear Brody's skin crawling lol.
    Dwarf Pea Puffers continue to get refilled but this won't last forever since these tend to be very seasonal and go months at a time without being available so this is a good one to stock up on.
    Spotted Puffers came in only slightly bigger than the Pea Puffers but that only makes them all the cuter. Plus they're on special this week.
    Flamingo Male guppy
    Green Dumbo Ear Guppy
    Hawaii Variatus
    Sunset Variatus
    Blue Moon Butterfly Platy
    green sword
    Fire Cracker Sword
    There's nothing wrong with your screen, Red Honey Gouramis really are this red. Probably the brightest i've ever seen.
    Blue paradise came in huge with really nice color. Lot of red on both the body and tail.
    I know I say this every week but Florida Flag Fish keep getting bigger and bigger. Pretty soon they'll be the size of Bluegill.
    New batch of Snakeskin Barb came in great. Good size with pink bodies and purple bands. Hands down the most underrated Barbs.
    Albeit a common staple this week's Brilliant Rasboras are about as big as they get. You could probably mark this as an XL and ask for a little more.
    Purple Het Rasboras are back in after being absent for a bit. Running small as usual but always sell well. Anything with "purple" in the name usualy tends to move quickly.
    New batch of Balloon Red Eye Tetras came in super solid. And for those of you attending Global at the end of the month I intend on having an entire tank devoted to these as well as a couple of other balloon bodied fish lol.
    Gold Neon Tetras are currently running huge. This changes from week to week so if you've never tried these this is the time to do it.
    Serpaes have been coming in mostly as imports as of late but we are starting to see some Florida ones finally. They're running a bit small but color is decent.
    Longfin Serpaes are same as above. We should be right around the 
    Red Eye Tetras are back in stock and in decent numbers this week. Not sure how long this will last as these have been in very short supply lately both as Florida raised and far east imports.
    Male Congo Tetras continue run run considerably oversize. This is one of your better bang for the buck Tetras this week.
    Ember Tetras got a restock this week. Running a bit smaller but color is really bright.
    Got more of the Rainbow Severums this week from one of our local vendors and they're already going quick. These sold out in less than a week last time and these are going to be it for a while until his remaining stock gets some size so act fast if you want any.
    Finally got in some Red Spot gold Severums After having been unavailable for the last couple months. Have a select and a medium on these. These are Florida raised so they're not juiced so while they're not super bright at the moment these will color up quickly and stay that way. Be sure to feed them foods rich in beta carotene. That will make the red really pop.
    Red Spot Turquoise are in from the same supplier of the two above and boy these do not disappoint. Pic definitely doesn't do these justice as these guys are camera shy and darken up the second they come out of the water. But in tank these guys already spectacular. Can't wait to see these as adults.
    Pseudotropheus Acei are another highly underrated Mbuna which I don't get. They're affordable and they're appearance speaks for itself.
    Albino Zebras have fantastic color this week. These can vary from batch to batch but this group already has males showing adult coloration and they're barely 2".
    Chalosia Elongatus (3934) have been getting left off the list because there was a clerical error concerning it's number and tank location. That has all been since fixed. This is probably the best value fish on the farm right now. These could easily pass as a M/L or large . Not to mention the fact the color and barring are outstanding as well as they're 90% male.
    Was running short on time so I had to snap this pic while they were still in the bag. These Albino Compressiceps are listed as regular but are definitely oversized. Strain is fantastic as the color is lemon yellow as opposed to stark white which I've seen with other bloodlines.
    I mention this just about every week but one of the best values we offer are the large assorted Haps. A great mix every week and you can get some absolute gems like this Turquoise Hap cross. Not a bad fish in the bunch and you can fill up a lot of tank space for not a lot of money.
    Found this Hap Moorii among the large assorted Haps. This what i mean by there's not aa bad fish in the bunch. Great mix of species and colors in there.
    Mixed Male Peacock
    Maulana Peacock
    Mixed Male Peacock
    Global Display Cichlids
    OB Ahli Hybrid
    Yellow OB Hap Hybrid
    Fire Hap
    Orange OB Hap Hybrid
    OB Fire Hap Hybrid
    Show Peacock Hybrid
    2.5" Assorted
    Pigeon Blood
    2.5" Assorted
    Plecos & Pals
    Orange Seam Pleco
    Lemon Blue Eye Bushynose
    Snowball Pleco
    4 Line Pim Cat
    Emerald Cory
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    Plant City, FL 33565-4839

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